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Nearly 400 languages are spoken in the United States. You would be hard-pressed to go anywhere and not bump into someone from somewhere else. But the common thing these cross-cultural neighbors share—the common thing we all share—is that we are here together. We live and work and play in shared space. New people live next door. That makes us neighbors. And Jesus said to love your neighbor as yourself.


In The New People Next Door, Taylor and Burns encourage and equip you to love your cross-cultural neighbors. Cross-cultural neighbors are people who have grown up in one culture—with its own norms, language, customs, and cultural script—but are now living in a second culture, which is different to some degree from their first culture. Asking if foreigners are truly our neighbors is asking the wrong question. We are to love whoever God puts in front of us. Loving cross-cultural neighbors is not a new idea or a biblical add-on. Rather, it is central to the story of the Bible and, as such, should be central to our lives as well.

The New People Next Door: Learning to Love Your Cross-Cultural Neighbors

SKU: 978-0692024331
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