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We are constantly making an appraisal of ourselves.

The exhausting work of evaluating our worth is present just below the surface in every life experience. Every thought, emotion and behavior is partially shaped by our evaluation - sometimes deliberately and sometimes as involuntary as breathing.

Unfortunately, our self-image has been severely injured by the sins we commit as well as the sins committed against us. Managing this injury depletes our souls. It breaks our relationships with the people we love. It drives us away from intimacy with God. Our best attempts to fix this injury place us on a performance-based roller coaster. When we perform well, we anesthetize our ache with toxic pride. When we fail, we are saturated with debilitating shame.

While modern Christians have often repackaged an understanding of worth from the world, the gospel creates a unique type of worth built upon grace and grounded in humility.

Worthless? is a biblical guide that reveals the true nature of our injury. It describes a goal for healing that is more shaped by Jesus than cultural norms. It unearths the storehouse of healing in the gospel and maps a pathway for practices that metabolize those gospel realities for everyday life.

Worthless?: Gospel Healing for Our Injured Self-Image

SKU: 978-1948022255
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